eTechSchool| CBSE CCE, CCE tools, CCE Software

Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation : A journey to shed some light on the skills within an individual and assist in grooming them to perfection.... But lack of planning and non systematic implementation can turn this into a Continuous Complicated Evaluation which in turn can result into a total fiasco.....

Firstly, to initiate the CCE, the teacher should be thorough with the parameters and the respective testing tools which are supposed to be used to test a child for a particular skill (reading/ creative writting/ Elocution etc). Again these testing tools can vary for same activity depending upon the child's age group/ expertise. For instance, the reading material given to a 5th std child is different than that given to a 9th std child to tes their skill of reading with comprehension.
Some renowned institutes like “Jnana Prabodhini” are carrying out a priceless research work in the area of developing a number of testing parameters and corresponding tools to fetch the best of skills within an individual which in turn is resulting to an enormous contribution to the society. eTechSchool maintains all these parameters and tools against corresponding skills. In short which all activities are to be carried out to test a particular skill using which tools will be set up in “eTechSchool”. A teacher can log into “eTechSchool” and educate herself about the activities she is suppose to carry out to satisfy the purpose of CCE for respetive pool of skills. The teacher may now conduct the activities and enter the results for the same against corresponding parameters in etechschool.
Secondly, A huge amount of data is generated when a child is continuously tested for his skill set. This data can be in form of snapshots, documents, test papers, audio clips, video clips etc. Maintenance and management of this gigantic data becomes a crucial task.
This is where eTechSchool's CCE's evidence management module assists you. eTechSchool has a provision to upload all sorts of evaluation evidences against a particular student which can be retrieved at any point in time. The parents can have an online access to these evidences to keep a track of their child's progress.
Last but not the least, the most complicated and time consuming task is to carry out the averaging of scores of all the continuous evaluations and assign an appropriate grade and comment accordingly. Now doing all this manually can take hours n hours and a hell lot of patience. In spite of investing these crucial hours and patience, there is always a chance of manual errors, typo errors and discrepancies amongst comments.
eTechSchool helps in saving all these efforts by intelligently taking the averages of scores and generating appropriates grade and comments within no time. As a result, all a teacher has to do is enter her evaluations and leave the rest up to the system.
'All n All', following are the benefits of using eTechSchool for a Complete Comprehensive and Assisted Evaluation (CCAE) the assistance being that of eTechSchool,
1. The educational institutes can themselves set up evaluation categories, parameters and activities, using which they wish to carry out the evaluation. The grades and comments which need to be generated can also be set up.
2. All entered evaluations along with average evaluation, corresponding grades and comments viewable at a single glance.
3. No more discrepancies in comments and grades and no more spelling mistakes on the report card.
4. Any change in the evaluation structure can be easily incorporated without affecting the previously entered evaluations or making any changes in the software.
5. A list of all the students who need help in a particular skill/ who have scored a particular grade can be retrieved without any additional work of hunting amongst the evaluations. Special training sessions can be arranged for the same.
6. Evidences of evaluations collected over time can be fetched in few mouse clicks.
7. An automatic recommendation can be generated for a student aiming for higher studies.
So now if an Ex- student comes to your organization asking for his pros and cons in different fields, it is just a few clicks away.
The Ultimate Goal of eTechschool being,
Effective Utilization of Resources
Reduce manual and repetitive work
Increased time for Quality teaching
Performance Improvement
lets make teaching and learning an enjoyable venture for the benefit of students, teachers and parents.
Neha Deshmukh, Product Head, eTechSchool